
Digital ads combine a powerful concept with a refreshed look.

Project type

Ad creative

Services provided

Copy, Design



AnyDesk main image

About the project 

AnyDesk, a global provider of remote desktop software, asked us to create an advert for a digital magazine focused on the future of work.

Initial thought exploration

The initial research phase involved analysing AnyDesk's solution and the target audience so we could develop relevant ideas. These ideas needed to work with the magazine's theme of the month, which was the future of work.

AnyDesk Thought exploration

Chosen idea

In the research stage, we came across équilibre, which represents work-life balance and is important in French culture.

This phrase was a perfect discovery, as it aligned so well with the benefits of using AnyDesk software.

équilibre - Balance between professional & personal life

The separation of work and life is distinct in France. There are lots of regulations that protect it, and it underpins France’s workplace culture. Most workers are required by French law to spend at least 11 consecutive hours away from work; therefore many employees might only arrive at the office between 9 and 10 am. 

It’s not surprising that France then has some of the best work leave entitlements in the world. The distinction between professional and personal life is apparent in every way business is conducted in France, your private life is just that – private and you have the right to it.


- The Polygot Group

Idea development

As we developed the ideas into graphic layouts and visual concepts, our goal was to bring the theme of equal work-life balance to life in a literal, visually compelling manner. We wanted the designs to clearly and directly communicate this core concept to ensure it resonated with the audience.

AnyDesk idea development

Ad concepts

The final ad concepts convey the theme of equal work-life balance in a simple yet creative way.

We explored various copy options to showcase équilibre and how AnyDesk software supports work-life balance. As équilibre is so important to French working culture, we wanted the typography to lead the piece and capture attention.

AnyDesk wanted to take this opportunity to evolve their current visual style, which led to the clean, confident, and minimal designs. The streamlined visuals effectively communicated the core message while refreshing AnyDesk's look, aligning it with the modern and balanced approach they promote.

AnyDesk Ad concepts

Final ads

Among the various concepts explored, two stood out.

In the first ad, we positioned the word équilibre vertically, deliberately balancing the curved top of the 'é' on the brand's diamond-shaped icon. This design choice adds impactful symbolism, reinforcing the very definition of the word through its composition.

The second ad featured an enlarged AnyDesk logo that seamlessly integrates équilibre, underscoring its significance as a core benefit of their platform. This combination of typography and iconography ensured that the concept of balance is not merely a catchphrase but a fundamental principle woven into the brand's visual language.

Both ads showcase AnyDesk's commitment to the future of work, encapsulating équilibre in a way that resonates with their brand.

AnyDesk Final Ad 1
AnyDesk final ad 2

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