
Successfully combining three HubSpot portals into one 

Project type

HubSpot Migration 

Services provided

HubSpot Services



The Papirfly Group operates multiple companies in the brand asset management space. Three of the group's companies used their own HubSpot portals, resulting in unnecessary cost and complexity for the group.

Papirfly needed the support of an experienced HubSpot Partner Agency to merge and consolidate three HubSpot portals - migrating all data and assets into one subdivided portal.

Papirfly used Business Units, an add-on for Marketing Hub Enterprise, to manage multiple brands in one shared HubSpot portal.

CRM migration 

We partnered with Trujay to migrate historic contact, company, and deals data, from each individual CRM into one. Using HubSpot Business Units means the teams can continue to segment contacts by brand, while retaining a single customer view.

Asset migration

Using HubSpot’s API, assets (files, design manager templates, CTAs, etc.) were migrated from each brand into one HubSpot portal, allowing the team at Papirfly to rebuild their marketing assets (e.g., landing pages, workflows, marketing emails, chat flows, and more) on the consolidated platform.

Using the brand kits function of Business Units, Papirfly created unique templates and segmented brand and campaign assets for each business. In addition, web pages, landing pages, emails, forms, and blogs were categorised, making it easy for each team to find.

We worked with Papirfly to reconfigure their portal settings, creating predefined job roles and teams with specific permissions to allow individuals access to only what they need. We set up subscription preferences by brand, creating independent subscription types that separate customer contact preferences.

paperfly illustration

Multiple brands managed under one parent account

Using Business Units, each brand within the Papirfly Group retains its own website and email domains, while the teams work within one HubSpot portal, with separate user permissions and email subscription preferences.

The team can easily segment contacts by brand and run up-sell and cross-sell campaigns to relevant leads and customers, while retaining a single customer view. In addition, the teams can report on performance across the business and each individual brand.

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