Benefits of migrating your website to HubSpot CMS

Phil Vallender avatar
Phil Vallender

Oct 26, 2023

Man smiling at laptop

Migrating your website to HubSpot CMS (part of Content Hub) relieves you of almost all responsibility for the complex technology required to power a website. It offers more insightful analytics and advanced personalisation powers, while keeping the front-end appearance the same for your buyers.

Even if the front-end of your website works just the way you want it, the picture behind the scenes can be very different. And, for B2B marketers, managing your website can be a real headache. Particularly without IT support close by.

Looking after the infrastructure, updating/patching software (usually too late), maintaining security, and wrangling with the content editing tool can all waste valuable time that would be better spent elsewhere.

If that sounds familiar, and the technologies underpinning your website are a cause for bigger frustration than the website itself, you could address your problems by migrating to HubSpot CMS. Not only that, the HubSpot CMS offers a range of additional features and benefits.

Benefits of migrating your website to HubSpot CMS:

    • Remove technical debt and responsibility

    • Built-in security

    • Powerful analytics

    • Personalisation and automation

    • Testing and optimisation

    • Seamless integration with marketing automation and CRM

Considering creating a website using HubSpot CMS? This guide covers everything  you need to know.

Remove technical debt and responsibility

Your choice of CMS and hosting service determines the level of responsibility you have for your website's technology, not to mention the associated costs and risks. For example, the underlying infrastructure, software integrations, and security.

However, many businesses are familiar with these responsibilities to some degree.

HubSpot CMS eases that burden.

HubSpot's CMS product includes all the technology that B2B marketers would typically have to procure, configure, and maintain themselves. This includes:

  • All server and network infrastructure
  • Content Delivery Network
  • SSL certificates
  • Image optimisation
  • Code modification

HubSpot monitors, maintains, and improves all of this for you, without you having to lift a finger.

The icing on the cake is the 24/7, 365 technical support provided. This means that when there are issues (which is rare), you're not alone in identifying and resolving them.

Built-in security

Website security is critical to your entire business and is only increasing in importance every day. After your people, it's probably the most visible and vulnerable surface to your company.

HubSpot helps you here, too.

Two of the most common security weaknesses occur when the ability to run server side code or install third-party plugins exists. The ability to access and modify the server-side environment can compromise data security both through unintentional user error and malicious actor intent.

Plugins are, in effect, little pieces of server-side code that are invited into the environment, often to provide some front-end feature or function. There are several issues with this. Codes written by different developers can conflict. Conflicts can be minor, but they can weaken your website's security or even take it offline totally.

In addition, if malicious actors gain access to a plugin's code, as they famously did with Revolution Slider, they can gain access to any site that updates to the compromised version.

As a multi-tenant CMS as a Service on which you can't execute server-side code or install third-party code plugins, HubSpot eliminates these two possibilities. This may, at first glance, sound very limiting and this is one objection that people often level at HubSpot's CMS. The reality is different, however. HubSpot natively includes all the functionality essential for B2B demand generation. With the help of a HubSpot CMS developer, you can also extend its functionality, interactivity, and front-end experience safely and securely thanks to HubDB (its built-in relational database), serverless functions, and more.

HubSpot goes even further, providing additional technology that secures your data from attackers, keeps your website up, and builds trust with visitors.

By migrating to HubSpot, you benefit from SSL certificates that are procured and configured for you, as well as:

  • Web Application Firewall
  • DDoS protection
  • Global CDN, Activity Logging
  • Anomaly Detection
  • And much more

Powerful analytics

While HubSpot's analytics may not match up to the might of Google Analytics' statistical reporting, it has one thing Google doesn’t your first-party contact data.

With additional context, HubSpot's analytics can tell you something Google cant - who converts on your website. This enables you to look at things like page visits, channels, sources, etc through the lens of visitor, conversion, and contact quality. And, if HubSpot's your CRM or your CRM is well integrated, you can go as far as to look at opportunities and revenue generated from those contacts.

Creating pipeline is the goal of nearly every B2B website, so this type of analytical data is far more valuable strategically than some of the more obscure or niche reporting included in Google Analytics. Identifying which contact, opportunity, and customer came to you through your website, and what journey they took, is very useful insight that helps you optimise your strategy and tactics.

Best of all, Google Analytics is easy to connect to HubSpot CMS, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds with no problem.

Personalisation and automation

One of the huge advances that migrating to HubSpot CMS gives you access to is website content personalisation (called Smart Content) and automation tools.

With Smart Content, you can personalise parts of your website's content and imagery to specific visitors, both anonymous and known.

For example, you can personalise content for anonymous visitors based on:

  • The geographic location in their browser settings (which may reflect their preference rather than their physical location)
  • The device they're using
  • The referring site they arrive from

Once a visitor has converted and is identifiable, you can personalise content to them based on any piece of information you know about them, explicitly or implicitly, using their contact properties in HubSpot's built-in and always up-to-date database.

You can use this to personalise the customer logos or testimonials visitors see, the products or information resources are promoted to them, or the localise pricing to their currency. The potential applications are endless.

On top of personalising the web experience, HubSpot equips you with automation power that you can extend significantly if you connect other Pro Hubs in suite. With it, you can start to automate repetitive marketing and sales operations, and you can begin to use email automation to follow up when visitors and leads submit new forms.

Testing and optimisation

With your website migrated to HubSpot, you benefit from native A/B testing and SEO monitoring and recommendations.

Built-in AB testing means that, with no need for additional plugins or tools, you can compare the performance of variations of your pages, content, and calls to action. This helps you to optimise the user experience and drive up conversions systematically.

In parallel, HubSpot offers a range of built-in tools to help you monitor and improve your search engine optimisation. SEO audits help you to pinpoint technical issues that might negatively affect your organic traffic or the user experience, while the SEO planning and recommendations tools help you to organise and optimise every page of your site to maximise your traffic acquisition potential.

Seamless integration with marketing automation and CRM

While HubSpot is perfectly viable as a standalone CMS, things get even more interesting when you use it in conjunction with other Hubs.

The thing that makes HubSpot's multi-hub product suite so powerful is the single, shared database that underpins them all.

A shared database of contacts, companies, and opportunities provides all teams with a single view of the customer and a single source of truth. This elevates your teams by enriching the tools they use with instantly available, always accurate, first-party audience information. With this data, you can create more personalised and measurable workflows, campaigns, ads, emails, and much more can all be more.

Considering using HubSpot CMS for your website?

If you're considering using HubSpot CMS for your website but are unsure if the platform is right for you, book a demo with one of our experts.

Our CMS specialist will guide you through:

  1. An overview of HubSpot CMS and Content Hub's key features
  2. A live demonstration of the website editing experience
  3. A showcase of the AI tools available in Content Hub

If you have any questions about the platform, we'll answer them for you, enabling you to make an informed decision.

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